Braces vs Invisalign, Which Is Better?

team of two offering attentive care to patient in clean office

Braces and Invisalign are two prominent options for achieving a straighter smile and addressing orthodontic issues. These treatments offer unique benefits and considerations. While your orthodontist is your best guide in making this decision, this article delves into the advantages of both braces and Invisalign, helping you make an informed choice based on your specific needs and preferences. Discover the key benefits of each method and factors to consider when determining which alignment solution is the perfect fit for you.

Braces are orthodontic devices used to straighten teeth and address various dental alignment issues. They come in different forms, such as traditional metal braces and ceramic braces. Invisalign and other clear aligners, similar to traditional braces, work gradually to shift teeth into the desired position. These aligners are made of plastic and mimic the shape of your teeth, exerting pressure to adjust them.


5 Features of Braces

For decades, traditional braces with metal brackets and wires have been a reliable orthodontic choice. These braces gently realign teeth through wire adjustments and rubber bands, effectively addressing various orthodontic issues. Discover five key features of braces.

team displaying x-rays to patient
  • Since braces are always on, they’re always working reliably

  • Difficult tooth movements can be achieved unlike Invisalign

  • Different color ties can be selected at each appointment

  • More corners for plaque to hide means brushing may take longer

  • Certain foods should be avoided to prevent broken brackets and treatment delays


5 Features of Invisalign

Invisalign aligners, like traditional braces, gradually adjust teeth. Prior to treatment, orthodontists use X-rays, photos, and impressions or digital scans to create a customized plan with specialized software. This plan guides precise tooth movement for a well-aligned bite, overseen by an orthodontist through regular check-ups.

doctor displaying alignment on advanced office monitor
  • Less noticeable compared to other alignment methods

  • Trays are removable if necessary for events

  • Any desired foods can be eaten when trays are removed

  • Brushing and flossing can be accomplished normally

  • Results depend on correct patient use and consistent wear


Are Braces or Clear Aligners Better?

Your orthodontist is the ultimate resource to consult when choosing between braces and clear aligners. It’s important to select a solution suited to your needs and lifestyle. The best way to find the ideal option for you is to schedule a consultation. Let Meyer Orthodontics align you with a suitable alignment solution.


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